Mother Mai's new show is almost here!

Sign-up below and be a part of it!

“Be the ambassador of your heart.”

– Mai Whelan –

Become a part of the Mother Mai Team! We’re dedicated to improving lives and nurturing our planet. Together, we can create change – one act of kindness at a time. When you join the Mother Mai Mailing List, we’ll send you updates about her new show as well as many ways you can be involved in your own corner of the world!

Mother Mai

Once a shy, scared and nearly defeated Vietnamese girl, she rose to the challenge and out of 456 people, was the first person to ever win Squid Game: The Challenge!


Now, Mai channels her passion into making a real difference—supporting underprivileged individuals, saving animals, and protecting the environment.


She’s working with organizations all over the globe to do this, and you can be a part of her journey!